How We Care for Lumber

We buy salvaged logs and expertly mill them into a product that can be used in the finest musical instruments and unique heirloom furniture. Most of our logs come from people who have trees on their property that they want removed. The first thing we tell them is that we only buy logs that are more that 36” in diameter and at least 8 foot to the first limb. Typically the trunk of the tree has better color and yields a higher grade of finished product.

We do not mill upper limbs because they have tension and stress that causes what we call “wind-shake.” Wind-shake occurs when the wind shakes the limb during its lifetime. The grain separates and limbs can only be milled into low grade lumber.

After the logs are cut to length, and in order prevent the logs from checking, we seal the ends with wax. We then begin a process that protects the logs from bugs such as the powder post beetle. We spray the green logs and stacked lumber with a natural Boron product that is non-toxic to humans. We also spray the dry lumber taking special care with woods that are particularly vulnerable to infestation such as Myrtlewood and live edge Walnut.

During milling, the logs are first cut to 8, 10 or 12 feet lengths. We then rip the logs into quarters. A ripping jig is used at this point because it is more accurate and there is less waste. This process allows the sawyer to see eight sides of the inner log so he can make milling decisions based on grade and figure. He then cuts with the idea keeping bookmatched sets together.

The sawyer’s first cuts are calculated to achieve high grade bookmatched sets. As he saws the sets, he begins to see that the set sizes are becoming less than 14” in width. He then begins cutting for 8/4 clears. The rest of the log is cut for grade in 4/4, 5/4, and 6/4. The log’s crotch is milled separately. The crotch is cut into 5/4 & 6/4 thicknesses because this lessens the chance of degrade in the drying process.

Once the Claro Walnut and Myrtlewood lumber is milled it is stickered in our outside drying yard. Maple lumber is kept in drying sheds for a minimum of 6 months and then placed in the kiln. Maple is never kept in the drying yard because exposure to the weather can cause staining.

Proper stickering is another important step in maintaining a high grade of lumber. The stickers are set every 12 inches on each layer of lumber. This ensures that the dried lumber stays uniform to ensure flat finished product.

After the lumber is kiln dried it is moved to the main shop for processing. This process includes planning, cutting out defects and a final grading. The lumber is then stored on end in heated, insulated, and dehumidified cross ventilated rooms.

In our experience, wood is as fragile as fresh produce. If it is not properly maintained it will degrade or spoil. We offer a finished product that sets us apart from other wood dealers. You can have confidence that our woods are ready for you to bring your ideas into reality.

Visit our online store to view the many hiqh-quality boards currently in stock.

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